Zekâi Şen
Climate Change Impacts on Water Structures
Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey

He has obtained B. Sc. and M. Sc Degrees from Technical University of İstanbul, Civil Engineering Faculty, Department of Reinforced Concrete in 1971. His further post-graduate studies were carried out at the University of London, Imperial College of Science and Technology. He was granted Diploma of Imperial College (D.I.C) and M. Sc. in Engineering Hydrology in 1972 and Ph. D. in stochastic hydrology in 1974. He worked in different countries such as England, Norway, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He worked in different faculties as the head of department such as the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology Department; Faculty of Astronautics and Aeronautics, Meteorology Department. His main interests are hydrology, water resources, hydrogeology, hydrometeorology, hydraulics, science philosophy and history. He has published numerous (Science Citation Indexed) SCI scientific papers in different internationally top journals on various topics.

Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Earth Sciences; Well Hydraulic; Aquifer simulation; Earth Sciences; Climate Change, Environment and Impact on Water Resources; Water Resources Management; Mathematical Modeling Fundamentals; Rock Mechanics; Science philosophy; Science history; Engineering Geology; Atmospheric Sciences; New and Renewable Energy Sources; Hydrometeorology; Mathematical Statistical; Stochastic processes; Chaotic behaviors; Fractal Geometry; Geostatistics; Kriging; Engineering Models; Fuzzy Logic; Genetic Algorithms; Artificial Neural Network; Risk Management.

He has written many books in Turkish, one book in Arabic and several in English. He supervised many national and international students for M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees. He holds several national (Encouragement Science Price for Young Scientist in 1978, Science Price in 1993 both from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, etc.) and international scientific prizes and the most recent one is given as a team work due to his contribution to "Nobel Peace Prize" through his works in IPCC form 2002-2007 concerning Climate Change. He also holds Science Encouragement Prize (1978) and Science Prize (1993) from Science and Technology Center of Turkey in addition to administration and Science Prize from the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also has a chair at Prince Sultan Research Center, King Saud University, Riyadh. He worked with the Saudi Geological Survey for three years as a full time consultant on various water, climate change and groundwater issues in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He worked also with the ARAMCO as a consultant for hydrogeology and groundwater training program development. He made numerous other national and international consulting works on water resources, climate change, renewable energy alternatives, earthquake engineering, earth sciences and similar projects. He is currently working at the Technical University of Istanbul, Civil Engineering Faculty. He is also the president of Turkish Water Foundation. He holds several national and international scientific prizes and the most recent one is the "Nobel Peace Prize", which is given as a result of team work during his actual contributions in IPCC form 2002-2007 concerning Climate Change Impact on Fresh Water Resources.

He worked in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in different governmental departments and in companies as staff members and consultants on water issues:

  1. King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology Department,
  2. Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah,
  3. Prince Sultan Center, Riyadh,
  4. ARAMCO, Dhahran
  5. Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Water, Water Center through UNDP,
  6. Some private firms.


  1. Şen, Z., (1995). Applied Hydrogeology for Scientists and Engineers. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, New York, 496 pages.
  2. Şen, Z., (2008). Wadi Hydrology. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, New York, 396 pages.
  3. Şen, Z., (2008). Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modelling Techniques (Atmosphere, Environment, Climate Change and Renewable Energy. Springer-Verlag, London, 376 pages,
  4. Şen, Z., (2009). Spatial Modeling Principles in Earth Sciences. Springer-Verlag, London, 365 pages,
  5. Şen, Z., (2010). Fuzzy Modeling in Hydrological Sciences. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, USA, 340 pages.
  6. Şen, Z., (2013). Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering”, Springer, New York, 260 pages.
  7. Şen, Z., (2014). Practical and Applied Hydrogeology. Elsevier, (in print), 405 p.
  8. Şen, Z., (2015). Applied Drought Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation. Elsevier, (in print), 480 p.
  9. Şen, Z., (2017). Innovative Trend Methodologies in Science and Engineering. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 260 pages.
  10. Şen, Z., (2017). Flood Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 387 pages.
  11. Şen, Z., (2018). Software Philosophy and Logical Principles for Programming. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany,.
  12. Şen, Z., (2021). Philosophy of Science and principles in Medicine. Bentley Publicatiıns (in preparation)


  1. Journal of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz university,
  2. Hydrological Sciences Journal
  3. International Journal of Global Warming
  4. Arabian Journal of Geosciences
  5. Journal of Hydrological Engineering
  6. Energy Management and Conversion
  7. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
  8. Water Quality Exposure and Health
  9. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
  10. International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems
  11. International Journal of Energy Research
  12. Earth Systems and Environment